Liebster Blog Award YAY!!!



My lil’ ole blog, with just a few of my favorite things, has won (cue trumpets)



Liebster is a German word meaning Dearest or Beloved, it can also mean Favorite.  
The idea behind the Liebster Blog Award is that it is given to upcoming bloggers
(with fewer than 200 followers) in order to create new connections and bring attention to wonderful growing blogs.
I am always so thrilled that people actually look at my blog and actually like my stuff, I mean seriously still can’t get over it!
Now, an award!? I won’t be able to sleep!

THANK YOU SO MUCH to the lovely Jacque of
She has such an awesome blog-GO CHECK IT OUT!!
Now it is my turn to pass on the award, with a these few simple rules.
~ Thank the giver with a link back to them
~ List your top five picks and let them know they have been given the award by
leaving a comment on their blog.
1. Holly @ Bella Nest She has a lovely blog complete with serene music. She has so many projects I plan to “interpret”, but my fave is this chalkboard topped, Goodwill rescued, rolling cart that has put me on a heavy search for some furniture to redo. She is a super sweetie and I really feel her faith and how her blog is based on a love for the Lord! Of course, with Him< ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! So inspiring!
2. Jodi & Gloria @ Vintage & Co  These ladies have the life I want  (or at least something similar). They shop junk stores, antique malls, etc.all year, tweek items with their awesomeness, and then have an open barn (decorated to a T) sell three times a year. Their blog shows all this wonderful stuff, plus other interesting vintage matter, and recipes grandma would be proud of.  The “Jesus Tree” idea is AHmazing!
3. Jennie Louise @ Snapdragon Diaries This girl is just plain cool! I love her outlook on life and she shares it through her blog with some amazing photography and insights. Her lens on life has been so many places I want to go and her “bucket list”-PURE FAB!  I look forward to seeing more from her and learning at least a part of all the amazingness she has to offer-which is A LOT!!!
4. Connie @ Hot Flash n Craft n This sweet lady has talents I aspire to possessing! She is a wonderful seamstress and can do amazing things with photshop along with other neat crafts. These are two things I will learn, so I’m paying close attention to Grammy Bear’s posts! (Isn’t that so sweet-her grandchildren call her that).
5. Jennifer@ Caught My Fancy This  USAF wife has some really cool crafts and healthy, vegetarian recipes.  If you have a little girl in your life, you HAVE to check out this dollhouse she made. OH MY GOODNESS! The attention to detail is beyond compare-I mean really!! Also a must see is a unique baseball wreath and her menu board is better than the one I made-I’m jealous!
There are umpteen other blogs I would have loved to list. It’s absolutely OVERWHELMING  to see all the talent out there! I’ve decided to get over myself and  quit saying, “oh, I wish I could do that.” Instead, because of all you fantalisciously fabulousoh women out there, I’m saying, “I CAN AND WILL DO THAT!” That’s what’s so great about blogging. I feel like I’ve got such an awesome support group and friendly, positive people out there-on my side!
🙂 ****GIRL POWER!!!**** 🙂

2012: Adventures in Blogland

Hello everyone! I am so stinkin excited about this new endeavor I am embarking on! (By the way, I am an exclamation point addict!) I have decided to move past Facebook and enter this world of blogging. I think this new year is going to be a year of learning more about how to use technology as a tool to express myself and hopefully inspiring a few people as much as the blogs I follow inspire me!
So please excuse these first attempts, I promise as soon as I learn the ropes, I will have one of the ABSOLUTE CUTEST blogs out there!
So come along with me on this adventure!
(see what I mean about the !!!!!!!)